Quality Assurance
Quality assessment process for Pro.Ge.A.S. - Arts and Entertainment Events and Enterprise Management degree course
The School of Humanities and Education (formerly Faculty of Humanities) in Florence has long been committed to assessing the quality of its curriculum. It has been included in the certification process according to the CRUI model and is involved in the University quality process.
In particular, the Pro.Ge.A.S. - Arts and Entertainment Events and Enterprise Management degree course was the first course in the Faculty of Humanities to be included in the self-assessment process according to the CRUI model (2004-05) and the first in the University of Florence to achieve full certification according to the CRUI model in July 2011. Self-assessment and external evaluation activities have been carried out on both the first version of the degree programme, in compliance with Ministerial Decree 509/99, and on the second and current version, which is the result of changes made to the teaching system in accordance with Ministerial Decree 270/04. In the changeover, the degree programme has retained its original name and its specific teaching and organisational features, thus giving a solid and recognised profile to its system from which students benefit greatly.
The Board (CCdS) has been committed to the development and implementation of a quality management system according to the CRUI model (until a. y. 2011-12), as indicated in the degree course quality commitment document, and is currently included in the SUA evaluation process (ANVUR). The self-assessment activity is carried out by a QA Management Group (formerly the Self-Assessment Group - GAV) officially established within the school and renewed annually (for more information see: https://www.progeas.unifi.it/vp-179-attivita-di-autovalutazione.html). The parameters according to which the members of the QA Management Group are chosen take into account the different subject areas involved in the degree course. The QA Management Group includes one administrative staff member, two student representatives, and one representative from the labour market. In order to increase the involvement of the faculty members, the composition of the QA management group has been changed over the years.
The work of the QA Management Group is supported by the University, the School of Humanities and Education, and the student administration office which are responsible for researching and organising information. The QA Management Group is in regular contact with the various delegates of the degree course (communication, internships, international relations, etc.), and manages their activity reports.
During the course of the year, the QA Management Group promotes meetings, surveys, and other activities with students in order to collect their impressions and opinions that may be useful for the performance of its task. These activities have been carried out in recent years with the collaboration of the degree course tutors.
The Quality Manager, together with the President of the degree course, coordinates the activities, reports the results to the Board, and submits them for discussion and approval. The QA Management Group makes use of information from various offices (Presidency, teaching structures, Prato University Centre, etc.) as well as information provided by SIAF (Servizi Informatici dell'Ateneo Fiorentino) and the University Statistical Services Office.
This unique degree course obtained the CRUI quality certification on 13th July 2011 - certificate N.220 (expiry date 13th July 2017). The procedure provided for a follow-up visit 3 years after obtaining the certificate.
In accordance with the new SUA quality procedure, the GAV produces the Annual Review Report annually and the Cyclical Review Report every three years (these documents can be found at: http://www.progeas.unifi.it/vp-154-qualita-del-corso.html). The procedure is usually concluded in December-January.
The GAV also updates the SUA form of the degree course according to a calendar defined by the competent bodies of the University (usually in March-April every year) and comments on the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA).
Programme evaluation
From a.y. 2011/2012 the students’ programme evaluation takes place online and applies to all courses of study regulated by Ministerial Decree 509/1999 and 270/2004.
The online procedure will make the evaluation easier and more accessible for attending students; moreover, the number of completed online questionnaires will be considerably higher compared to the paper-based ones.
Using an application developed by Siaf (Sistema Informatico dell'Ateneo Fiorentino), students can evaluate the courses (by logging in with their student ID number and password) and complete a questionnaire divided into five sections:
- Degree course
- Subject
- Faculty member
- Classrooms and equipment
- Satisfaction
Evaluations are in no way associated with the person who provided them.
The data from the student questionnaires are processed by Gruppo di Ricerca sulla Valutazione ed il Monitoraggio delle Politiche e dei Servizi del Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni "G. Parenti" (DISIA), sent to the Evaluation Support Office, and then sent to the Ministry by 30th April every year. After that, they are sent to Miur (Ministry of Education, University and Research) in December. However, the course evaluation system is also available for students who wish to take exams at a later date.
Almalaurea Profile and the Employment Conditions of graduates
The graduating students' assessment system on AlmaLaurea is a service managed by a consortium of 64 Italian universities with the support of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, which makes graduates' CVs available online and acts as an intersection between graduates, universities and companies, in order to facilitate young people's access to the labor market, assist companies in their search for staff, and help to avoid potential gaps between demand and supply.
The graduates’ profile reveals the human capital created by the university, through the analysis of some important aspects, such as social origin, high school education, study conditions, regularity in studies, evaluation of university experience, language and computer skills, future prospects.
The survey of the Graduates Employment Status, on the other hand, monitors the work situation of graduates up to five years after graduation and it is a very useful tool for assessing the external efficiency of the university system.
Students' opinions on orientation
Survey - first-year students 2014-15
Survey - first-year students - 2015-16
Survey - second-year students - 2015-16
Survey on student employment status
Survey on student employment status - all years - 2015-16