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Corso di Laurea Triennale in Progettazione e Gestione di Eventi e Imprese dell'Arte e dello Spettacolo


To enrol in the Arts and Entertainment Events and Enterprise Management degree course you need:

  • to have a high school diploma or equivalent certificate;
  • to have a solid basic knowledge (humanities and scientific subjects);
  • to be proficient in spoken and written Italian;
  • to have a good command of a foreign language.


This degree course is not limited access. Students must be adequately prepared in order to enrol and attend one of the courses. 
Students must take an entrance exam which is mandatory, but not binding as far as enrolment is concerned. 

To re-enrol (for continuing students):

Useful links:


last update: 10-May-2021
UniFI Scuola di Studi Umanistici e della Formazione Home Page

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